Kackar Mountains – An Interesting Place to Walk

Head to the Kaçkar Mountains; if you want to get off the beaten path and find some of the greatest Turkey treks, apply for a turkey visa online and go to Kackar Mountains. The Kaçkar Mountains, located away from Western Turkey's congested shoreline, are a hiker's dream. This spectacular mountain range, situated in Turkey's northeast near the Black Sea, offers some of the greatest trekking sceneries, although tourists rarely visit it. This is an exciting Turkey walk to recommend if you're searching for something different. So, don't waste your time apply for a turkey visa right away! What To See If you want to go on a picturesque stroll in Turkey, the Kaçkar Mountains are one of the best options. The variety of landscape on display here is breathtaking. Glaciers, mountains, lakes, meadows, woods, and farming valleys dot the scenery, rounded out by the sea to the north. It's a fertile area, with lush valleys where apricots, walnuts, and various other fruit...