Lifestyle in Turkey: Where the Old Meets New
The Turkish way of life is a colourful patchwork of the East and the West, the modern and the old. Turkey is home to a diverse range of cultures and customs, some of which date back centuries and others more contemporary. So, without wasting time, apply for a turkey visa online now. Turkish Hospitality The kindness of the people in Turkey frequently astounds visitors, who often go out of their way to help and willingly spend time speaking. Turkish culture is founded on hospitality, and the Turkish people feel that visitors should be treated as God's guests. Turkish hospitality is based on the belief that you are God's guest, regardless of your faith, country of origin, or language spoken. Family Relations In Turkey, people have excellent family relationships. Parents financially support their children till they marry. When the kid marries, financial support may continue, but it is assumed that the new family will make enough money ...